Friday, February 3, 2012

Aron’s daily schedule

Aron wakes up at about 4 or 5 am, give him 5 oz
of milk with 2 teaspoons (small golden spoon) of rice cereal. Milk should be
heated about 38-40 C. Please do not use bottle warmer. Do it on the stove.
He goes to sleep and sleeps until 7 am. Please
put him on the potty right away. He poops a lot at this time.
At 9 – 9:30 am prepare cereal, for 5 oz put 5
table spoons of oatmeal cereal, brown sugar half of table spoon. When feeding
pick some distractions. For example, Ipad with the cartoons. He likes about Cat
At 11 am Aron eats a fruit (baby food) or a
yogurt. He should be offered 2nd container of food as he may want to
eat more.
At 11:30am Aron goes for walk. After running in
the park he may fall asleep in the park.
From 12-2:30 pm Aron takes a nap. If you take a
nap with him he may nap for 3 straight hours which is very good.
At 3 pm Aron has lunch. He eats soup very well
and he likes it very warm. It usually soup with vegetables and chicken. He
likes pasta and meat. He eats small pieces of meat off the plastic plate
himself. He likes also to eat Italian pasta himself. Also, he likes grains and
Once Aron had his lunch, every hour and a half
after he should be offered a Gerber organic container of vegetable and/or
fruit, yogurt (he already eats a big jar of Greek yogurt), meat, bread and
pasta. He likes to eat so he should be fed every hour and a half.
The he plays. Please DO NOT carry him. He likes
to play with his toys and he should be encouraged to play by himself and not be
carried from one place to another. If he would like something that he should
not have, distract him with something else and take away the thing that he
wants out of his sight. If you would like to take something from him, it should
be explained to him as he understands everything.
Around 7 pm Aron is putting away his toys. Mila
taught him so he knows that he should clean up.
Around 7:30 pm Aron takes a bath. He enjoys walking
inside the tub. Please make sure that he is safe.
After bath Aron has his cereal. Please see item
3 for cereal preparation.
After cereal Henry is putting Aron to sleep.
Henry, please DO NOT carry Aron, this is not a good habit to put child asleep.
Instead on the bed take him bear with the closed eyes and tell Aron that the
Bear is already sleeping. Touch Aron’s ears with the Bear’s soft fabric. Aron
will hug the Bear and fall asleep. Sometimes Aron is cranky he can be offered a
bottle with milk (Item 1).
My mother put a lot of effort to wean Aron and
transition him from breastfeeding to bottle feeding; it is her birthday gift to
me. Please do not screw it up.
Thank you for cooperation!

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